The Trials, Victories & Adventures of Los PaulOS

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. ~ 1 John 4:18

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mullings by a Yellow Brick Road...

You know you've come to a point when you're already fed up of being in one place for a long time, when you just wanna give it all up and leave..

I've been in the IT industry for 8 years now, and I must say as lucrative and progressive as it appeared back then.. it has lost it's lustre..

Over the past 5 years of trying to find my footing and trying to get back into a particular segment of this industry.. I find myself back in it.. but yet.. jaded... It has been a disappointment..

I sit at the side of my yellowbrick road, and wonder where it will take me.

I sit and I ponder.. and I seek direction not to the Wizard of Oz.. but from my God Almighty..
It has not been a good start to me this year, but yet, I sense I am asked to continue to work hard thru this phase, and equip myself for the next phase that He will bring me into.

Do pray along with me..

Update: The direction is still at crossroads.. and it's pointing in a direction I feel comfortable with it.. but it's not a road I would've thought I'd be taking 5 years ago. Still in due consideration of my resume's goals 5 years ago.. it had the essense of it....

The door's open, and I believe it's wide.. and it would mean some restrictions to the luxuries of life, but it would be picking up where I left off 6 months ago.

I've had a lot of promptings in my life in the past 2-3 weeks. Trials & Tribulations force me think and reflect on what I am really supposed to do. It's a tough time to be reckoning all these things.
And I am very critical of myself, I take things really hard.... It's a tough decision, yet so easy to take... but I shall choose a life that will lead to happiness & joy & blessedness...

I Thank My Lord & My God for being with me all these years.. :)



  • At January 13, 2007 12:28 AM, Blogger angie said…

    The LORD will guide you accordingly. I can relate to what you are saying....Just rely on him and see where he leads you

  • At January 15, 2007 2:20 PM, Blogger PaulOS said…

    Thanks for the encouragement. May He guide us all as we stick close to Him.

  • At February 13, 2007 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ever though of joining a school? ;>)

    which church are you from, Paul?

  • At February 26, 2007 7:25 PM, Blogger PaulOS said…

    Am from DUMC. Been there for 6 years now.. and really enjoying God's presence and growth He's brought to my life.

    A school.. yes I have given it thought.. am going back to where I left off 6 months ago.. into a training Division.. kinda like teaching. but teaching adults :P

    Still in contemplation :D about teaching kids.. hope i don't kill them in the process. :P


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