A Day of Sharing
Actually I wanted to submit a blog entry yesterday, but suddenly lost the flair for writing. So I just quit at that point and decided to just chat online with a colleague and another ex-colleague. Nice to share with them, catch up with them personally. Did ask them questions about where they were heading faith-wise, and received a response that kind of expected.
One is seeking the Lord, and he's come to the point where he reliases that the relationship that is built with God is a personal one. I wanna give thanks to God that when I shared my own "version" of Jn 3:16 a few months ago did indeed plant a seed. But it actually stemmed from his own interest in the Christian faith.
Another friend (who may incidentally read this blog), has her life pretty much set before her. I do pray for her to continue to seek God, that He will be a more integral part and be evident in her life. I pray that all our lives are not just about existing and doing the things that just give us comfort but a life that will positively impact the life of others; family members, children, friends, relatives and even strangers.
I also had an opportunity to talk to a subzone member, we got to talking about our goals in life about where we're heading and what are our ministry focus and career focus. Came to a point where we were talking about ministry and it dawned on me that, as he is a parent, he is also the first "Evangelist" to his son. What a privilege!!! I shared this with him and it also dawned on him that he's not only just raising his own son.. but also His own son.
At the end of the day as I was having dinner with a Sister in Christ, we just were sharing about our blogs and people we've talked to in the day, and I suddenly remembered Pastor Daniel's sermon over the weekend. And one point came up, "Don't share with people because you feel guilty, but feel compelled to share because you carry the "Good News" for them". It struck me that I had been involved in sharing God's News with them already. I am not saying this to boast, but I guess it's something that's changed in me. I feel a desire to share, of course my methods are still not finely honed yet, but I am sure it'll get better with practice :D.
We are made for ministry and a mission. Ministry to edify(build up) one another and Mission to bring others into the Kingdom & Family of God.
Actually, I didn't start this blog to share what happened to me yesterday... I wanted to share an excerpt from my friend's blog. Mr Ian Chong, http://yahkid.blogspot.com
Have a good read.. and Have a Blessed Day!
Spirituality & True Worship
These days, I've been thinking a lot about being "more spiritual" and what does "true worship" mean?
Does true spirituality and true worship mean...
- How fervent your prayer is? - How much vocab you possess when you speak in tongues? - How good you are at prophesying? - How good your body trembles before the presence of God?- How you lift your hands and dance in worship?
By no means! True spirituality and worship is when you...
- Love your wife
- Be faithful in your tithe
- Love one another
- Excel in your workplace
- Be dedicated to the decision of change in your attitude and character
- Be responsible to the task you have been delegated
- Be committed to the things you have promised
All these is true sprituality and worship. Isn't it true that Paul said...
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual? act of worship." - Romans 12:1
Being a loving husband to your wife, being faithful in your tithing, are signs of a person who wants to please God and offers not just his heart but his entire body and soul as a living sacrifice. His character and his attitude towards the people around him reflects his altitude towards God the Father. Wow, this is just so wonderful. Knowing that each time you give your wife a hug or when you appreciate someone or when you show respect to the host by being punctual, these are true qualities of a person living and abiding as a true worshipper!
Thank you Jesus for this revelation! I love you, Lord! Greater than anything!
One is seeking the Lord, and he's come to the point where he reliases that the relationship that is built with God is a personal one. I wanna give thanks to God that when I shared my own "version" of Jn 3:16 a few months ago did indeed plant a seed. But it actually stemmed from his own interest in the Christian faith.
Another friend (who may incidentally read this blog), has her life pretty much set before her. I do pray for her to continue to seek God, that He will be a more integral part and be evident in her life. I pray that all our lives are not just about existing and doing the things that just give us comfort but a life that will positively impact the life of others; family members, children, friends, relatives and even strangers.
I also had an opportunity to talk to a subzone member, we got to talking about our goals in life about where we're heading and what are our ministry focus and career focus. Came to a point where we were talking about ministry and it dawned on me that, as he is a parent, he is also the first "Evangelist" to his son. What a privilege!!! I shared this with him and it also dawned on him that he's not only just raising his own son.. but also His own son.
At the end of the day as I was having dinner with a Sister in Christ, we just were sharing about our blogs and people we've talked to in the day, and I suddenly remembered Pastor Daniel's sermon over the weekend. And one point came up, "Don't share with people because you feel guilty, but feel compelled to share because you carry the "Good News" for them". It struck me that I had been involved in sharing God's News with them already. I am not saying this to boast, but I guess it's something that's changed in me. I feel a desire to share, of course my methods are still not finely honed yet, but I am sure it'll get better with practice :D.
We are made for ministry and a mission. Ministry to edify(build up) one another and Mission to bring others into the Kingdom & Family of God.
Actually, I didn't start this blog to share what happened to me yesterday... I wanted to share an excerpt from my friend's blog. Mr Ian Chong, http://yahkid.blogspot.com
Have a good read.. and Have a Blessed Day!
Spirituality & True Worship
These days, I've been thinking a lot about being "more spiritual" and what does "true worship" mean?
Does true spirituality and true worship mean...
- How fervent your prayer is? - How much vocab you possess when you speak in tongues? - How good you are at prophesying? - How good your body trembles before the presence of God?- How you lift your hands and dance in worship?
By no means! True spirituality and worship is when you...
- Love your wife
- Be faithful in your tithe
- Love one another
- Excel in your workplace
- Be dedicated to the decision of change in your attitude and character
- Be responsible to the task you have been delegated
- Be committed to the things you have promised
All these is true sprituality and worship. Isn't it true that Paul said...
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual? act of worship." - Romans 12:1
Being a loving husband to your wife, being faithful in your tithing, are signs of a person who wants to please God and offers not just his heart but his entire body and soul as a living sacrifice. His character and his attitude towards the people around him reflects his altitude towards God the Father. Wow, this is just so wonderful. Knowing that each time you give your wife a hug or when you appreciate someone or when you show respect to the host by being punctual, these are true qualities of a person living and abiding as a true worshipper!
Thank you Jesus for this revelation! I love you, Lord! Greater than anything!
At September 13, 2004 12:13 PM,
Yahkid said…
Oh I'm honoured that you think that my "stuff" is worth a read. =)
At September 14, 2004 3:48 PM,
PaulOS said…
Yahkid, it's my privilege to share with others an article that impacted me. Thank you for sharing that others may be impacted as well. Lord Bless
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