The Trials, Victories & Adventures of Los PaulOS

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. ~ 1 John 4:18

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Straight As An Arrow..

I was just talking to Coolcat, and we got to talking about her "favourite question".. ha ha ha..

And she suggested to blog about it.. so the content in this blog can be a bit graphic in nature.. ha ha ha ha.. be forewarned.. he he he

My first "gay" encounter was in a train station in Melbourne at a MET station called Richmond. I had always heard about gay people, but I never did see them and dismissed it as a kind of a myth. I was there in Melbourne, about only 2 weeks into my tertiary education. And as I stood there in the cool autumn afternoon, I saw 2 guys, walking up the stairs, hand in hand together, thought "That's queer... " *pun intended*.. They stood about 3m away from me.

So, I tried not to look directly... (as all good Malaysians do .. they'll pretend not to look and peer out of the corner of their eyes.) To my shock, these 2 guys, started smooching "passionately" as the "French" do...

Man, my stomach just turned!!! It was no doubt that I was "homophobic" and "Straight as an arrow".. I tried to walk a bit further away, but still curious. But I guess what was gross was that these 2 Caucasian men were fully bearded! Ugh!

*I told you it was graphic in nature*

So I rest assured from that time onwards, I knew I was "Straight as an arrow" and "Homophobic"...

But more importantly, how'd I get over my "Homophobia" ? Well, that's reserved for another blog..



  • At July 27, 2005 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Haha, you actually posted about it. I meant that you and Vagus should put a disclaimer permanently on your blog banners since you guys quote it every so often.

  • At July 27, 2005 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks to you, now I've got that picture of two bearded men replaying in my mind.

  • At July 27, 2005 6:50 PM, Blogger vagus said…

    hey HEY! nothing to do with me!! Leave my name out of this.... this is Paulos' fantasy rite? ;)

  • At July 28, 2005 4:09 PM, Blogger PaulOS said…

    ha ha ha..
    James.. glad to make you replay that in your mind..

    CC.. that's another idea.. heh heh heh

    Vagus.. hmm.. not my fantasy dude.. you're the guy with err.. fetish for hairy legs.. man..


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